Fahrenheit Indigo Prophecy
Name: Fahrenheit; Indigo Prophecy
Developer: Quantic Dream
Publisher: Atari
Latest version: 1.1 (October 2005)
Release date: 09/16/2005 (the world earliest)
Genre: Adventure/Interactive Drama/Quest
Mode: Single player
Platform: Xbox, PS2, PC
Fahrenheit, a spectacular interactive thriller, set in New-York, gives gamers the unique chance to play both hunter and fugitive, which in turn leads them to speak, explore, interact, fight and confront unknown dark forces.
For no apparent reason, ordinary people are randomly killing total strangers. Although there is no link between the murderers, they all seem to follow exactly the same ritual and pattern.
Lucas Kane becomes one of these murderers when he kills a stranger in the men's room of a restaurant. Finding himself in control of Lucas, the player is haunted by strange visions and the desperate need to find out what is happening to him. At the same time he must keep one step ahead of the police, especially Inspector Carla Valenti and her teammate agent Tyler Miles.
(Fahrenheit is the European director’s cut of Indigo Prophecy – the critically acclaimed adventure game featuring innovative gameplay and a rich storyline.)
English; French; Русский; Swerige; Español; Portuguese; Norsk; Hebrew; Italiano; Français; Deutsch; Dansk; Nederlands; Ελληνικά; korean; Chinese (Taiwan); Japanese;Bulgarian;Turkish;Finnish
5/20/2009 1UP: Looking Back at Indigo Prophecy (English)
there are still a couple of Easter eggs, but let's keep them secret. Maybe fans will jump back in to the game now to look for them.
8/28/2006 "Fahrenheit": Спокойное отчаяние (обзор) (Russian)
Несмотря на политику нашего сайта, только факты или информация о еще не вышедших проектах, посмею разместить здесь обзор русского перевода игры Фаренгейт. Связано это с тем, что писатель из меня неважный, а этот обзор довольно точно описывает качество перевода. Единственное, что все уже признали, это наличие у Акеллы одних и тех же актёров, которые кочуют от одной переведенной игры к другой и фирма не утруждает себя изменением тембров голосов для соответствия оригиналу, а потому для некоторых постоянных покупателей Акелловских творений, мнение может быть немного иным. Кстати для вообщем-то любящих статистику людей, рекомендую заглянуть в результаты голосования по поводу качества перевода -прим. UL
6/27/2006 Mayrem Chat with David Cage (English)
...do you have to think of Thelis with the character of Tiffany?
...For Tiffany, I actually thought of Telis. I suppose that there are psychoanalytical reasons with this character of woman well under all reports/ratios but which finishes badly… Complex of badly solved Oedipus?...
6/21/2006 Postmortem: Indigo Prophecy (English)
[Published in edited form in the June/July issue of sister magazine Game Developer with magazine-exclusive concept art, Gamasutra is proud to present the full, extended postmortem for Quantic Dream's fascinating Indigo Prophecy/Fahrenheit, as described by creator David Cage.]
6/19/2006 Gamasutra: Game Developer June/July Issue Gets Prophecy, In-Game Ads, Best Of E3 (English)
On paper, pushing for increased emotion, original play concepts, and new methods of storytelling all in the same game sounds like the ravings of a madman. Indigo Prophecy may not have hit all of these points perfectly, but it has blazed a trail of innovation, and raised the bar for the integration of story and gameplay. In this postmortem, David Cage tackles everything from narrative to digital puppetry, and tells us why changing publishers can save your game.
6/01/2006 Press-telegram: Get sensible about relying on senseless violence (English)
If you're looking for an example of brainless violence, check out "Jaws Unleashed," which puts you in the role of the Great White shark, giving you the chance to tear swimmers limb from limb and watch the bloody pieces float to the surface. About 10 years ago, that would have been groundbreaking. Now it's just annoying.
5/28/2006 Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy) Fan Art? (English)
Never think it could be... But my russian colleague from Omikron fan-site posted a poster. This is a poster from October Playboy
5/18/2006 Shortlist For 2006 EIEF Edge Award Released (English)
Edinburgh Edge Award Nominees AnnouncedHighly coveted award to be revealed at EIEF06
The shortlist for the 2006 EIEF Edge Award, which is to be presented at this year’s Edinburgh Interactive Entertainment Festival, has been revealed today.
3/06/2006 Акелла издаст на территории СНГ Marc Ecko’s Getting Up, Timeshift and Fahrenheit (Russian)
Главный герой игры Fahrenheit, рядовой сотрудник нью-йоркского банка, убивает в туалете ист-эндской забегаловки абсолютно незнакомого мужчину. Ничего необычного для города, в котором убийства происходят каждый день... если бы не одно но. Лукас Кейн не хотел убивать этого человека. Он видел и осознавал происходящее, но ничего не мог с собой поделать. И больше всего на свете ему хочется узнать, что заставило его совершить убийство. Расследующих преступление следователей Карлу Валенти и Тайлера Майлса также интересует этот вопрос: обычное на первый взгляд дело оказывается куда сложнее, чем можно было предположить...
2/09/2006 WT Interview Quantic Dream Q&A (English)
We were looking for an interface that would enable players to live and play a number of different actions, from playing basketball, shooting, dancing, playing guitar or swimming. Now that is a challenge to design! We have found a solution that may seem „simplistic“to some or „retro “to others.
1/05/2006 ATARI Fast Facts: Fahrenheit Indigo Prophecy Director’s Cut. (English)
Fahrenheit is the European director’s cut of Indigo Prophecy – the critically acclaimed adventure game featuring innovative gameplay and a rich storyline. This special edition contains the full game as envisioned by David Cage – including original scenes and actions deleted from the US release.
Indigo Prophecy is a truly innovative adventure game where every decision has a direct effect on the story path of an unfolding mystery.
1/01/2006 Write Of Passage. (English)
How did you develop the technique, and at what point did you begin to believe it could work as a gameplay concept?
11/25/2005 EDGE: VideoGame Culture David Cage Interview. (English)
What was the first game you ever played?
Pong (original, eh?). But, the first game that really impressed me was probably Psygnosis' "Barbarian" for Atari ST.
11/15/2005 Quantic Dream Uses Vicon MoCap On “Fahrenheit” aka “Indigo Prophecy” Game. (English)
Oxford, UK (November 15, 2005)—VICON, developer of Academy Award®-winning motion capture technology, announced that French studio Quantic Dream has completed the suspenseful new console and computer game “Fahrenheit” (also titled “Indigo Prophecy” in North American markets) using a VICON motion capture system.
10/14/2005 Fahrenheit : Entretien David Cage / part 2 : Gaulois, à ses risques et périls (French)
C'était le coup de cœur de Christophe Ramboz qui est le Président de VU Games. Il avait vraiment adoré l'ambition de mélanger cinéma et interactivité et le fait d'aller vers le grand public. Il avait une envie très forte de pousser le développement en Europe et de faire en sorte que VU Games n'ait pas que des titres américains dans son catalogue.
10/14/2005 Interview de OverGame avec David Cage. (French)
And as they know that the industry of video game is cyclical and that, at instant, the outrigger returns, I want I shall prepare the instant when industry is going to return.
10/13/2005 Fahrenheit Patch
Update you game to version 1.1
10/11/2005 PREVIEW Q&A with Fahrenheit producer. (English)
David Cage created a new writing technique he calls "bending stories". He considers his story like a rubber band. It has a beginning, middle and an end, but you can stretch it to make the story longer and/or different by actions that, throughout the game, have a consequence on the players' experience.
10/06/2005 Overgame Fahrenheit : Interview David Cage / part 1 : L'homme orchestre (French)
Vivendi a changé d'avis juste au moment de signer ce projet d'épisodiques (Premier éditeur de Fahrenheit avant d'être récupéré par Atari, ndr). Ils ont un peu regretté de ne pas avoir eu le courage d'aller sur ce format à l'époque. Mais le marché n'est pas prêt à ça. La division en épisodes posait d'énormes problèmes vis-à-vis des consoles. On doutait de notre faculté à convaincre les constructeurs de consoles de vendre des jeux moins chers sur leur machine et donc de réduire leurs royalties. On doutait aussi de l'intérêt du distributeur à placer sur son linéaire un jeu qui serait vendu moins cher qu'un jeu vendu au prix normal. On doutait aussi de la logistique qu'il fallait mettre en place en terme de livraisons, de stockages, etc. On a eu vraiment peur.
10/04/2005 Campus published official Fahrenheit guide (English)
144 illustrated pictures. Available at Amazon France.
9/29/2005 Adventure Gamers chat with David Cage. (English)
As I’ve understood it the PS2 version of Fahrenheit was the primary one for you, but at the same time you did a great job with the Xbox and PC versions also.
9/27/2005 'Fahrenheit' Races Up The European Sales Charts (English)
Atari celebrated this week as Quantic Dream's paranormal thriller took up residence in the upper reaches of sales charts across Europe after only its first weekend at retail. Released simultaneously on September 16 for PlayStation®2, the Xbox® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, and personal computers running the Windows platform, Fahrenheit achieved the following phenomenal chart positions in UK, Germany and France after only a few days on sale
9/22/2005 INDIGO PROPHECY: Developer's Diary.(English)
In this diary, I am going to tell you more about how we created Indigo Prophecy. People often ask me which category best defines this game and to be honest I have some difficulties answering that.
9/19/2005 GamePro.com: Q & A with David Cage About Indigo Prophecy's Conceptualization and Finalization. (English)
The idea behind the mental health system is that your action has consequences and the consequences can be physical but they can be also psychological. The game really tries to set up context for moral choices. It really isn't about black or white, wither you want to be good or bad. It's much more about what would I do if I were in the heroes shoes.
9/16/2005 Fahrenheit release.
(English, Русский, Swerige, Español, Portuguese, Norsk, Hebrew, Italiano, Français, Deutsch, Dansk, Nederlands, Ελληνικά, 한국어, Chinese (Taiwan), Japanese, Polsk)
9/9/2005 Pixelcreation: De Fahrenheit et des choix créatifs ambitieux de Quantic Dream. (French)
près le succès en 1999 du premier jeu, Norman Soul, le PDG David Cage a décidé de faire une pause, de prendre le temps de la réflexion. Sa problématique étant de savoir comment donner de l’émotion aux joueurs, de favoriser l’immersion et ancrer le tout dans une histoire qui fait sens.
9/08/2005 Video game vixens return to Playboy (English)
So where in the world did she find the time to appear buck naked in the current issue of Playboy magazine?
Carla's not real, mind you... She's a character in Atari's (Research) upcoming action/adventure game "Indigo Prophecy." And she's hardly alone. Seven other video game femmes fatale, heroines and bit characters have once again shimmied out of their clothes for a digital pictorial in the men's magazine.
Atari today announced that Fahrenheit, the paranormal thriller adventure video game, has gone gold and development is complete. Developed by Quantic Dream, Fahrenheit will be available for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, the Xbox® video game system from Microsoft and Windows platform across Europe on 16 September.
9/01/2005 Adventure Europe Video Interview with David Cage.(English)
Our French editor Vandoorine Aurelien visited the offices of Quantic Dream in Paris and video taped an interview with the director and script writer of Fahrenheit, David Cage.
8/21/2005 Inside Indigo Prophecy with Quantic Dream’s Guillaume de Fondaumiere (English)
In my opinion, true originality in video games comes from developers and publishers who really strive to bring gamers worlds and experiences they’ve never had before. While quirky viral marketing gimmicks and multimillion-dollar hype machines can help games fly off store shelves, the more memorable games are those that go beyond repetitive gameplay, clever writing and in-joke placement. One of the games we’re looking forward to here at BonusStage is Quantic Dream’s Indigo Prophecy, published by Atari. Rather than falling back on tried and true gameplay mechanics, the cinematic thriller breaks new ground in interactive adventure games, no small feat these days
8/20/2005 Entrevista David Cage. (Spanish)
Hace escasamente un mes, David Cage, concedió una serie de entrevistas a los medios franceses siendo varias las webs que publicaron dichas entrevistas. Aunque todas ellas se basaban en el interés despertado por el juego Fahrenheit, no es menos cierto que hay grandes diferencias entre unas y otras. De entre todas ellas, destaca poderosamente muy por encima de todas, la realizada por Vincent, redactor de JeuxVideoPC.com, no sólo por la buena dirección del entrevistador sino, también y especialmente, por el contenido de las respuestas que no tienen desperdicio. Es por ese motivo que he elegido esta entrevista que he traducido para todos vosotros. Espero que sea de vuestro agrado.
8/16/2005 Indigo Prophecy Aims to Revolutionize Interactive Storytelling. (English)
I did not want them to be all black or all white, but rather like real persons, having doubts, weaknesses, inner fears. Lucas Kane is accused of a murder is has not really committed.
8/15/2005 Indigo Prophecy Developer Interview (English)
This is a VIDEO online interview
8/03/2005 Quantic Dream - David Cage and Guillaume de Fondaumiere interview. (English)
You should wait for the final soundtrack by Angelo Badalamenti! He's the guy who did all the music for the David Lynch movies and shows.
7/26/2005 Fahrenheit : la tempe'rature monte. (French)
Tout d'abord, il faut savoir que la température va avoir une grosse influence sur l'histoire : c'est l'hiver, et la température baisse de jour en jour. Ensuite, l'action se déroulant à New York, il était logique de prendre comme nom “Fahrenheit”, pour coller à l'échelle de température anglo-saxonne."
7/19/2005 JeuxActu.com Interview David Cage. (French)
En fait nous avons fait appel à Angelo Badalamenti. Il compose pour les films de David Lynch et a notamment travaillé sur Twin Peaks ou encore Mulholland Drive. C’est un des rares compositeurs à réussir à transmettre des émotions et il a une vraie sensibilité dans la musique. Le choix s’est donc tout naturellement porté sur lui. Pour les artistes présents sur le reste de la B.O., nous avons en effet choisi Kool & The Gang pour Tyler. C’est un personnage funky issu de la culture noire motown, nous avons donc recherché des thèmes groovy et très roots. D’autres noms comme Nina Simmon sont également sur la tracklist.
7/19/2005 Fahrenheit Interview de David Cage. (French)
Après sa présentation très complète et très intéressante de Fahrenheit, David Cage, PDG de Quantic Dream et créateur de The Nomad Soul, a eu la gentillesse de nous accorder une interview, conjointement avec fylodindon de Xbox Attitude. L'homme a une vision particulière, un peu à contre courant, de l'industrie du jeu vidéo, et sait faire partager sa passion à travers son discours. On ne peut que se réjouir de voir que de telles personnes jouent encore un rôle actif dans le développement des titres de demain.
7/15/2005 Inspirert av «Fight Club» og «Seven». (English)
What is the difference between Fahrenheit and Indigo Prophecy? I read about them somewhere, and they seem to be the same game..?
6/29/2005 "New York Live" (English)
Some sort of game promotion
6/29/2005 Turning Up The Heat: Part 2. (English)
There are more than fifty scenes. The usual play-through without replay time is around 15 hours, which is I think the right length for this kind of experience. Hardcore gamers will probably want to replay some scenes to see all the possibilities, which should expand the playtime for them. We have also integrated some bonus material that the player can unlock.
6/28/2005 Turning Up The Heat: Part 1. (English)
My thinking about narrative also included the game language. In many games, this language is only limited to a few words: fear, anger, frustration, power. When you think about movies or books, you realise that their vocabulary is infinite. They can make you go through all human emotions. So why should games limit themselves only to a couple of words?
6/23/2005 GameCloud Indigo Prophecy Interview. (English)
David Cage - I play games for twenty years, and I often had the feeling that I play the same games for twenty years. The technology has massively evolved, but game concepts are still the same.
5/23/2005 Exclusive: Fahrenheit Q&A. (English)
For Fahrenheit, my main issue was to find a way to tell a story that would be really interactive, without creating tons of branches and while preserving the quality, the consistency and the pacing of my story.
5/10/2005 Tactland Ocio Digital Interview David Cage. (English)
Regarding Fahrenheit, we strongly felt at some point that VU Games was not the right publisher for our game anymore. We talked together and found a fair deal in which we could get our game back. Atari was among the other publishers interested in the game.
5/3/2005 GameSpot Interview Guillaume de Fondaumiere (English)
Video interview online
3/25/2005 Total Video Games Exclusive: Fahrenheit Q&A (English)
At the maximum, the production team was close to 75 people, which is quite a big team. Fahrenheit uses an incredible quantity of data, especially graphics and animations. The game is now at the Beta stage. We still have about 30 people working on the game to debug and balance the game play.
2/27/2005 OverGame: Fahrenheit chez Atari (French)
Je n’ai pas beaucoup joué à Half-Life mais, d’après ce que j’en ai vu, ça pourrait très bien se passer dans un univers médiéval fantastique. Ca changerait l’expérience de jeu, mais pas le jeu lui-même ; l’histoire n’est qu’un prétexte. Notre objectif était d’interagir avec l’histoire elle-même et pas uniquement avec des armes.
12/21/2004 JeuxVideo: David Cage est ici (French)
C´est assez probable, même s´il y a infiniment moins de violence dans F° que dans la plupart des jeux vidéo. Je suppose que l´aspect très réaliste et dark du jeu le rend impressionnant pour un public trop jeune. Je préfère ça et pouvoir mettre dans le jeu ce que je souhaite.
12/20/2004 JeuxVideo: David Cage est ici (French)
Est-ce que l´un d´entre vous aurait la gentillesse de me faire une compil des questions pour me faire gagner du temps et que je puisse répondre à tout le monde en même temps?
12/10/2004 JeuxVideo: David Cage est ici (French)
L´idée de Fahrenheit m´est venu en me baladant à New York pendant les sessions de travail avec Bowie sur Nomad Soul. J´ai été frappé de voir un building avec écrit le chiffre 666 ( le chiffre de la Bête…) à son sommet en immenses lettres de néon. Je me suis demandé ce qui avait bien pu motiver quelqu´un à faire mettre un tel chiffre au sommet de son immeuble.
12/05/2004 JeuxVideo: David Cage est ici (French)
Je voulais juste apporter une petite précision : le Game Play de Fahrenheit n´a RIEN à voir avec celui de Nomad Soul. Le jeu est très différent : pas de flingue, pas de combat, pas de plateforme, mais un jeu basé sur l´histoire et les émotions des personnages. Ca va certainement déstabiliser certains, mais c´est peut-être pas plus mal. Quelqu´un a écrit sur ce forum qu´il voulait aborder le jeu vierge et sans a priori. C´est exactement ce qu´il faut.
12/02/2004 JeuxVideo: David Cage est ici (French)
Le développeur prend en moyenne ( en fonction de la notoriété du développeur) 20% de 30% moins différents frais. Je vous laisse faire le calcul...
Comme vous voyez, ce n´est pas vraiment le développeur qui s´enrichit...
12/01/2004 JeuxVideo: David Cage est ici (French)
Allez, j´essaie : le héros de Nomad Soul, Kayl669 a ce numéro en référence à ma date de naissance ( 6/69). Il a aussi ma taille ( 1m78) et mon âge à l´époque ( 29 ans). Dans la première version, il s´appelait Uzal, mais de l´avis unanime, c´était très moche ; -)
12/01/2004 Fahrenheit has a new publisher (English)
QUANTIC DREAM has signed a publishing agreement for FAHRENHEIT, to be published on PS2, Xbox and PC.
12/01/2004 JeuxVideo: David Cage est ici (French)
Beaucoup de journalistes ont écrit des articles très enthousiastes sur le jeu, c´est pourquoi tu as pu lire qu´il était " prometteur" ou " une révolution". Rien de tout ça
11/30/2004 JeuxVideo: David Cage est ici (French)
Je vois que vous êtes nombreux à vous poser des questions sur Fahrenheit. Il est vrai que nous avons été un peu silencieux ces derniers temps...
11/23/2004 QUANTIC DREAM and VIVENDI UNIVERSAL GAMES have terminated their joint co-production and publishing agreement on FAHRENHEIT (English)
The agreement enables QUANTIC DREAM to pursue the development of the game on its own and to seek another partner for publishing the game currently in final stage of production for PS2, X-BOX and PC.
6/23/2004 VU Games International and Quantic Dream join forces to bring a breathtaking interactive thriller to computer and video consoles (English)
Vivendi Universal Games International today announced a publishing deal with reknowned developer Quantic Dream for its forthcoming game, Fahrenheit. The French based studio already boasts the worldwide acclaimed "Omikron – The Nomad Soul".
6/14/2004 FAHRENHEIT Sneak Preview (English)
Official Fahrenheit site opens today !
5/06/2004 Fahrenheit Fact Sheet (English)
Publisher : Sierra
5/19/2004 a Recherche a` l'Universite' de Paris 1 Panthe'on-Sorbonne. (French)
Fahrenheit, the last project in date, mingle film realism and interactivity. Our editorial line is oriented general public therefore, maybe amateur of movies, but without distinction of sex nor age.
5/10/2004 FAHRENHEIT on quanticdream.com (English)
The FAHRENHEIT webpage on quanticdream.com will open on May 12th 2004, at the occasion of this year’s E3 in Los Angeles.
4/08/2004 FAHRENHEIT at E3 2004 – South Hall 1200 (English)
FAHRENHEIT will be presented in exclusivity during the upcoming Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles (May 12-14) on the Vivendi Universal Games booth (South Hall # 1200).
3/27/2004 AreaXbox Fahrenheit - interview. (English, German)
Fahrenheit aims to create an experience where the player is the hero of a movie, where his choices can really change the course of the story. A lot of work was done on the quality of the storytelling, acting and directing to create an experience comparable to a movie, but with real interactivity.
3/15/2004 THE GAMES MACHINE: Fahrenheit Preview (Italian)
Guardando a Fahrenheit mi e parso di vedere la ricreazione di un mondo vivo e pulsante alla Shen Mue; anche le sequenze QuickTime e i combattimenti mi ricordavano il capolavoro di Yu Suzuki. Il sistema di controllo mi pare invece molto simile a quello di Grabbed by the Ghoulies, mentre la gestione della telecamera e paragonabile a quella di Ico. Ti pare un’analisi corretta? Ci sono altri videogiochi ai quali ti sei ispirato?
3/01/2004 Fahrenheit now also announced for 3G mobile phones (English)
FAHRENHEIT 3G is designed for episodic distribution : the adventure will be split up across 36 episodes, each featuring 10 to 15 minutes of game play and full video sequences. New episodes will be broadcast every week, the contents of which will be determined by the choices that the player made the previous week
2/25/2004 Atari Acquires Rights To 'Fahrenheit' Video Game (English)
Survival makes for strange bedfellows in Atari's new paranormal thriller, Fahrenheit, being developed by Quantic Dream for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, Xbox® video game system from Microsoft and personal computer. Set in near future New York City, Fahrenheit tells the story of a man whose destiny is irrevocably altered when he unwillingly commits a brutal murder and to find the truth must partner with the woman assigned to bring him to justice.
2/10/2004 Back on track (English)
Following 4 years of hard work, QUANTIC DREAM is proud to announce that the production of FAHRENHEIT has reached a decisive turn last month. Most of the vast setting of our new action/adventure is entering “icing stage” – that is to say, the moment when we start polishing each and every pixel of in-game graphics and animation.
11/24/2003 Exodus: Myth or Reality?. (English, Francais, Русский)
On our side, after two years on this very challenging project, the team and I wanted to work on something different. This is how we started Fahrenheit (published by Vivendi, due Q4 2004).
9/05/2003 VU Games International and Quantic Dream join forces to bring a breathtaking interactive thriller to computer and video consoles (English)
May 9th 2003, - Vivendi Universal Games International today announced a publishing deal with reknowned developer Quantic Dream for its forthcoming game, Fahrenheit. The French based studio already boasts the worldwide acclaimed "Omikron – The Nomad Soul".
4/12/2003 EDGE #132: Fahrenheit prescreen focus (English)
The introductory sequence of the game shows Lucas sitting in a diner. Suddenly, as if in a trance, he picks up his knife and walks to the bathroom. Once inside the bathroom he begins to hallucinate: a little girl is calling for help, a man is swinging a knife… Lucas executes the same movements, and when he comes to his senses hes covered with blood and theres a dead body at his feet.
2/26/2002 R&S: В разработке: Fahrenheit (Russian)
“В свое время, чтобы поскорее увидеть окончание The Nomad Soul, игроки быстренько пробегали игру за тридцать часов, и мне было чрезвычайно сложно доказать, что они не вполне правы. Все наши попытки убедить их проходить игру всерьез, не брезгуя мельчайшими сюжетными ответвлениями, ни к чему не привели. Вот и пришло решение “заставить” игроков увидеть всю глубину созданного нами мира, причем “заставить” таким образом, чтобы они этого даже не заметили”.
2/25/2002 RPG France Interview Fahrenheit. (French)
Fahrenheit est un thriller paranormal en 3D temps réel reprenant le format d'une série télévisée. Le jeu est périodiquement vendu épisode par épisode, comme une série tv classique.
Il propose une histoire qui se poursuit à travers la saison, des héros récurrents, des cliff-hangers et un scénario à rebondissements. Le jeu bénéficie d'une interface d'une grande simplicité, d'une mise en scène proche de celle d'un film et de mécaniques de game play riginales, notamment par la possibilité qui est offerte au joueur de contrôler plusieurs personnages de l'histoire.
10/12/2001 Gamespot: Q&A: Quantic Dream (English)
The ambition behind Fahrenheit goes much further than just creating an episodic game. The interface, the gameplay, the technology, the way we manage interactive storytelling, the episodic format, and the business model are all new challenges.
Vicon Motion Systems, the leading developer of professional motion capture systems, announced today that Paris-based interactive entertainment developers Quantic Dream are ready to release the world's first real-time 3D game entirely animated using optical motion capture.
9/01/2001 FAHRENHEIT. (French)
Il y aura deux moyens de distribution sur Fahrenheit. Le premier sera tout à fait classique, par des CD qui seront évidemment beaucoup moins chers qu'un jeu normal puisque Fahrenheit est plus court et sort tous les mois. Le jeu sera aussi distribué en ligne, grâce à un gros partenaire américain. Mais tout cela est encore en discussions.
Labels: Fahrenheit Indigo Prophecy, project main information
Previous News
- Write Of Passage
- Fahrenheit Прохождение Russian
- Fahrenheit Nederlandstalige Walkthrough
- Fahrenheit (indigo Prophecy) Wallpapers
- Le Premier Ministre et le Ministre de la Culture r...
- Radio Drama
- Fahrenheit Soluzione Italiano
- Fahrenheit (la soluce) Francais
- Fahrenheit (la soluce) Francais
- EDGE: VideoGame Culture David Cage Interview