Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy) Walkthrough
This is my first attempt at one of these - frankly no game has inspired me to do this as much as Fahrenheit has, and after seeing that the only other FAQ was rather limited and incomplete, and spending time on the atari forums, I wanted to get this detailed information out there.
This walkthrough is for the PC version - I understand the PS2 and XBOX versions are similar if not identical, so give it a bash for those too if you need it. In addition, I've only played the European version of the game - there's really only a minor amount of nudity here, but obviously I'm unfamiliar of what appears in the US version in its place. Maybe someone can enlighten me?
Bear in mind that this is currently a work in progress. Although I have played through the game three times already to completion (with three different endings), I'm writing this as I play through for a fourth time, to achieve a detailed and optimal path through the game. Of course, if you have any problems with progress so far, please feel free to email me and I'll help out where I can.
Controls & Cheats
If you do nothing else, run through the Tutorial and read the manual for the keys. The hardest part of the game is the PAR system, also known as the Simon Says task, whereby two icons appear on the screen, each consisting of four lights - when a light is illuminated, you have a very short space of time to press the corresponding key...and sometimes two lights are illuminated at once. I call this the Simon Says event.
Part of this system involves pressing the left and right arrow key alternately - yet as quickly as possible. I call this the L-R event.
Experimentation has shown that you can improve your responses in both parts of this game by - when it's time to do one of these events - hitting ESCAPE, selecting Options, selecting Visual, and then setting Resolution to 640x480 and Graphical Detail to Low. Sounds weird, but this may well help you immensely - it did for me.
Chapter 01 - The Murder
After the extended intro involving you being possessed in the toilet and stabbing a man to death in the restroom, you gain control of Lucas with the realisation that you need to get the heck out of there. However, there are a few tasks to perform first, mainly to get Lucas' mental health up as high as possible.
- Grab the guy's body, and do the L-R game to drag him into the stall, using the mouse to dump him on the toilet seat.
- Pick up the mop, then move the mouse up and down with the left button depresses to mop up most of the blood. There's nothing you can do about the trail of blood from the stall to the drain, so don't waste your time on it.
- Dump the mop again, and walk towards the urinals, as there's a knife on the floor. Pick it up, and Lucas will automatically get rid of it.
- Walk to the sinks, and use the one of the right (the left one is out of order) to wash the blood off yourself.
- Head over to the condom machine on the wall and shake it once - it's broken.
Do this again, but keep on shaking it until it clunks. You can then examine it again, to pick a coin up.
- Leave the restroom and walk all the way down the diner to the jukebox, use it (you put the condom coin in) to play a nice track. Now walk back to your table (it's near the restroom door, and has a plate of food and a couple of drinks on it).
- Sit down. Eat. Drink. Pick up the bill and put it down again. Pay the bill. Check out the coffee cup. In essence - do all the options.
- Stand, and leave the diner by the front door. Turn right and right again, cross the road and exit the scene via the subway.
- If you take too long cleaning up the rest room, eating, etc, the cop at the end of the diner will head into the restroom and find the body...you must be out before that happens.
- For fun, you could try leaving the restroom having done nothing to tidy up...you could try to leave without paying...you could try to use the phone... you could head behind the counter...you could take the taxi...you could talk to the other customers...you could sit at the counter...you could leave out the back door. All of these are bad, or have consequences later on, but are worthwhile replaying later to see what happens.
Chapter 02 - The Investigation
Carla and Tyler arrive on the scene, Tyler moaning about murders always happening on his shift - Carla points out murders happen all the time.
- Carla: Do the thinking option, then check out the blood in the snow near the diner's door. Then go into the diner and talk to the Cop. He points out the waitress and says to treat her gently.
- Tyler: Head to the cops against the bar, chat to both of them. Talk to the waitress and tell her Carla will be along shortly. If you want, head behind the bar for a cup of coffee.
- Carla: Talk to the waitress - it doesn't matter too much which options you select, do whatever takes your fancy.
- Carla: Check out the table Lucas was sitting at. Note that there's a cup of coffee there, but it doesn't appear on the bill. Look at the book beneath the table, and pick it up.
- Tyler: Go to Lucas' table, and check everything out too.
- Carla: Enter the restroom (Tyler follows), and check out the window, the mop, the blood in the stall on the left, the body in the middle stall, and the toilet in the right hand stall.
- Tyler: Check out the waste paper bin, the blood on the left, the body, and the stall on the right (might be able to flush it). One of these two will find the knife (it is in one of three (I've seen so far) places).
- Carla: Now head back to the main dining area, and go out the back door.
Head down the alley and talk to the bum...say "YOU" and then "SEEN ANYTHING" and he might just tell you something interesting.
- Carla: Back in the diner, talk to the cops again, then to Tyler - before selecting Leave, talk about Clues, and then say to Leave the diner. Walk out, head to your car, and get in.
- You have to talk to the waitress and find the knife before you are allowed to leave the diner, but you don't actually have to do all of the above, you could miss a lot of the investigation out if you wished.
- For fun, you may like to have Tyler use a urinal whilst Carla is in the restroom - she's not very impressed! Both of them can admire themselves in the mirror too.
- If you need more mental health points, Tyler could drink coffee from behind the counter, or call his girlfriend from the payphone.
Chapter 03 - The Day After
Lucas has a bad dream and soon wakes up and realises he's in deep doggy-doo.
- Get up out of your blood-stained bed and use the medicine on the bed-side table to ease your migraine. Select the bed again...and then again...to cover up the bloody sheets, now leave the bedroom.
- Head straight across the living room to your bathroom, and use the shower. Now open the mirrored cabinet to wrap your wounds (and have a bit of a shock). Use the toilet to steady yourself and go back into the living room.
- Return to your bedroom, open the wardrobe, put your clothes on, close the wardrobe and leave again...hey, the phone is ringing. Answer it, and it's your brother, arranging a meeting for later that morning. Listen to the message from Tiffany too.
- Just behind the pillar near the phone is a blood-stained shirt - look at it, then pick it up. Take it into the bathroom and put it in the washing machine. Now back to the living room.
- Go to the fridge, open it, and drink some milk. Head to your stereo and put some music on to relax you.
- When the cop knocks on your door, do the event to reveal what he'd be looking for, but you've already covered up well so no worries.
- Get the key from the dining table near the kitchenette, open the door and when the cop asks about shouting, admit it was you. He'll ask to look around, so say yes.
- For fun, you could take the medicine and grab the bottle of gin from beneath the counter in the kitchen: drink some of this to see what happens when you mix medicine and alcohol. Bad things to do: watch TV, look at the photo in your bedroom, pick up the newspaper from the front door.
Chapter 04 - Confession
Lucas arrives at the park to talk with his brother, Markus.
- Follow the path whilst Lucas runs through his monologue, Markus is in the main area just past some kids playing in the snow.
- Talk to Markus about whatever you like, none of the choices matter until you get the chance to either "Convince" or "Break Off" - choose "Convince".
- When Markus offers you the crucifix, take it - it's an extra life.
- Lucas walks off and has a vision of a kid falling into the frozen lake.
When control returns to you run immediately forwards to and through the gap in the fence, you will dive in to rescue the kid.
- Play the L-R game to swim to the kid - then pick him up - then L-R three more times to swim back, get him out of the water, and get yourself out (see notes at the start for how to make this game a little easier).
- Now you get to stand up, walk forward a little to the kid, and kneel down. Listen to his heart and you'll hear it's not beating, so do the heart rate action to pump.
- Lucas will count "1..2..3.." and after three you need to do the heart rate action again. Repeat five or six times before the time limit to save the kid (don't pump his heart until Lucas has said "3" (if you do it right you'll see "Great" appear on the screen)).
- When you save the kid you'll be recognised by the cop from the diner - but he'll let you go without saying anything.
- Before meeting Markus you could have a look at the bum on the park bench, he becomes relevant later.
- For fun, you could let the kid drown, or save him then walk away without resuscitating him. Or tell Markus to Break Off instead of Convince. Or refuse his crucifix offer.
Chapter 05 - Police Work
Carla and Tyler hit the office to try to crack the murder.
- Carla: Head forwards, a quick chat with Doug the Desk Sergeant, then through either metal detector and up the stairs. Go whichever way up you desire, both ways lead to the wide open-plan office. Head to your office at the rear, on the right-hand side. Jeffrey intercepts you to moan about Tyler, but you just brush him off. Garrett tells you he has some forensic results for you too. Head into your office and go straight towards your desk. Pick up the phone and tell that lazy bones Tyler to get into work. Have a drink of water from the water cooler in the corner to chill a little.
- Tyler: Get out of bed, go straight into the bathroom and have a shower. Back in the bedroom, hit the wardrobe and get dressed, and go into the living area. Sam is upset, so go and drink your coffee and talk to her - select TENDER and then CONVINCING for best results. Kiss Sam, grab your jacket, and leave.
- Tyler: At the police station, head forwards through the metal detector, and up the stairs as Carla did earlier. Through the door and into the main office, and you get cornered by Jeffrey too. Choose whichever option you like, then go into your office. Carla leaves, so head over to the water cooler for a drink to chill a little, then hang your jacket up and leave the office.
- Tyler: Head over to the middle of the office, where Carla is talking to Garrett. He fills you in on a few forensic details (choose whichever response you want).
- Carla: Before heading to the coroner, return to your office and check Carla's emails by sitting at her desk, using the computer. Read all three emails, then navigate to the data-base function on the computer. Press the down arrow to have "KIRSTEN" filled in, and hit enter to find out a little more.
- For fun, Carla can play with her yoyo to chill out, and Tyler can mess around with Sam in bed rather than go into work (and really annoy Carla). Tyler can also play with the other options when talking to Sam in the living area to annoy her - or him! Both detectives can also recover mental health points by drinking coffee from the machine in the main office area.
Chapter 06 - Alternate Reality
Lucas bugs out at work...
- We open with Lucas vomiting into a toilet...nice. Once you regain control, walk to the nearest sink and have a quick wash. Now leave the rest room and you'll be in the main office area - the map on the screen shows you (in blue) and your destination (your office, in red). Head up there, and go through the door.
- Warren is already working at his desk (you can look through the window behind him if you wish) and he has a go at you for being late. Head to your desk and sit down. Now you get a Simon Says event and you have a choice - if you pass it, you will lose a few mental health points but read Warren's mind; if you fail the event, you won't lose anything but won't hear what he thinks of you.
- Open the drawer on the right, and pick up the item for another bonus life. Close the drawer, then use the computer - you'll get a shock, but this is unavoidable and it is better to get that shock now as you can recover half the points in a second. Stand up - the phone rings. Walk over to it and answer to find it's Tiffany ringing about coming over tonight. Tell her "YES", and there you go, ten points back.
- Sit yourself back down, and it's another Simon Says - if you pass you'll have a vision of Warren knocking his cup over. Work at the computer again, and Warren's phone will ring: he knocks his cup over, just as you foresaw. Whilst he's mulling this over, you offer to go and fix Station 62. Stand, head out of the door.
- The map appears again, showing you where to go (as before, you are the blue blob, your destination is the red one). Head over there (you have another vision on the way, your first real glimpse of The Oracle), and when you arrive in the cubicle start to fix the computer...and all heck breaks loose.
- When you see "MOVE!" on the screen, run back into the cubicle, don't dawdle. Now begins a long sequence of Simon Says and L-R events - do your best to pass as many of these as possible, as your lives are at risk if you fail (use the tips at the start to improve your chances on these games). There's just the one L-R event in the midst of all the Simon Says ones, it's when you're by a partition and one of the bugs reaches over the partition and tries to strangle you. After this there are a load more Simon Says (including a cool use of a fire extinguisher to push them back) and the final set is so fast you can't possibly succeed (but it's okay, don't worry about it). The computer takes over for the reappearance of the guy you killed, who imparts some interesting information, then you snap back to reality.
- Before going into your office you can wander around the main office area to see what's going on. There's a coffee machine you could grab a cup at to recover a few health points too.
- For fun, you could open the left hand drawer of your desk and look at the photo of Tiffany and yourself, you could tell her "NO" when she asks to come over and you could ignore the phone and get Warren slightly riled.
Chapter 07 - Reconstruction
Carla is down in the mortuary with the coroner.
- Get ready for a few PAR events. Each one that you pass will give Carla more information on the murder, but - more importantly - each success also restores some mental health points.
- After these, choose whichever chat options you desire, then the coroner mentions he's dealt with the KIRSTEN case in the past...
Chapter 08 - Tyler & Kate
Tyler sits with the waitress from the diner and attempts to construct a picture of Lucas' face.
- You welcome Kate into the office and get straight onto using the picture compositing system. Play around with this to your heart's desire, you'd need to get it spot on to make a difference later on, but it doesn't matter how well (or badly in my case!) you do.
Chapter 09 - Lost Love
Tiffany comes over and Lucas gets all jiggy with it.
- Lucas starts off sitting down in his apartment. Kick things off with the question mark, then stand up. This is now your best chance to return to full mental health, and you can do this a whole number of ways (note that if you follow the walkthrough after going to bed, you'll recover a lot of mental health points anyway, so you don't need to get back to 100% now):
- Go to the fridge, open it, drink some milk, close the fridge again.
- Opposite the fridge is a low shelf, grab the bottle from it and have a drink.
- Go to your bedroom, and have some medicine from the bed side table. Note, do not combine this with drinking the alcohol.
- Go to the bathroom, and use the toilet.
- In the living room, turn your hifi on and play a track.
- Turn your guitar's amp on, then play the guitar - this initiates a simple Simon Says sequence (choose whichever style of music takes your fancy), and recovers some useful points if you complete it.
- Go to the punchbag and get punching and kicking - again, there's a Simon Says sequence, if you pass this you not only get a bunch of points back, you also learn something interesting about yourself.
- Once you've had enough of this, go to bed and lie down (this will recover another 10 points). Tiffany will ring the doorbell, so get up, head to the front door and let the girl in.
- Ask her what "NEWS" there is, then offer her a "GLASS" of gin. When she accepts, head off to the kitchen unit opposite the fridge, get the bottle and sort her out a drink. Take it over and give it to her, then you offer to get her two boxes of stuff. They have her initials on (TH), one is in your bedroom to the left of the computer desk, the other is just past the phone, in the far corner of the main room. Go over to one, pick it up, take it back to her and put it down. Repeat for the other box.
- She gets up to go, but if you respond "SINCERE", "SENTIMENTAL" and then "ALONE" (doing "KISS" now is premature in more ways than one, you'll share a moment and she'll ask you to play your guitar for old time's sake. You get three chances to complete this Simon Says event (it shouldn't take long to get into the rhythm of one left PAR press, two fast right PAR presses), if you fail it's bad news big time, but if you pass you get another chance to "KISS" her, so take it.
- Cue another mini-game - you have an ever decreasing time limit to thrust into Tiffany...I think we should draw a veil over this now!
- After doing the nasty with Tiff, you (naturally) fall asleep...only to be woken by some noises from your living room. Get up and now you have a choice to make - if you explore, you will end up losing 20 points of mental health, but see an interesting scene. If you go back to bed without exploring, you'll miss out on the scene, but keep your mental health at maximum. If you do decide to explore, then head into your living area, turn the TV off and go to your front door - it's ajar. Go through the door and you'll encounter Jade (the mysterious little girl, the Indigo Child of the title) as well as... something we don't see, but Lucas does. The nightmare knocks 20 points off his mental health.
For fun, try drinking from the bottle of gin multiple times, try telling Tiffany different things to annoy her, try watching TV to depress yourself.
Chapter 10 - Hide and Seek
Lucas and Markus meet again and reminisce.
- Lucas is back at the cemetery, flowers in hand, to meditate a little at his parents' grave. Walk through the cemetery, but instead of turning off towards the statue of the angel (where Markus is waiting), continue straight on the path, right to the end - to pick up another extra life. - Now return to Markus, and place your flowers on their grave. Cue Lucas remembering him and Markus as kids, on a particular day when Markus wanted the loner Lucas to play with him and his friends, hide and seek in hangar 4. Lucas isn't interested, until he has a sudden vision that the hangar is going to explode, so he sets off in pursuit and you have control again. - Take a good look at the map on the screen, you can enlarge it by pressing 1 on the numeric keypad. You are the green circle, the guards are blue (the cones in front of them are their fields of vision), and the red "x" is your destination. Run towards the SE corner of the area you are currently in, you will see some netting thrown over the fence - you can (and should) climb this. Each climbing maneuver has a small time limit, so don't dawdle. Once over, you'll be crouching the other side of the fence.
- Look at the guards moving up and down the next area, also look towards the NE and you'll see a large rock. You want to head towards that - just dash straight across when the guards are moving away, go behind the rock and you'll see the hole in the fence. Go through the hole.
- The next bit is tricky. Directly in front of you is a large tarpaulin covering some crates, run towards that and go around the right of it (so the crates passed you on the left). Now there are some more crates piles up in front of you, run up to those and peep around the right hand side. You'll see the hangar 4B in front of you, but there's a soldier right outside the front looking directly in your direction.
- Wait until a lorry comes out of the hangar (it's a green rectangle on the map), and as soon as it blocks the soldier's sight of where you are, dash towards it on a diagonal, so you're effectively running to a point midway between hangar 4B and the one to the right of it. You'll end up next to the lorry, in the middle of the road, directly between the two hangars. As soon as the lorry moves away, run straight ahead and to the back of 4B. Move the covering sheet out of the way and go through the hole, into the hangar.
- You encounter Markus and convince him to get out of the hangar before it blows up, but now you've got to find his three friends (they are playing hide and seek, remember?) and convince them to leave too. As you look at the screen there is a wall of crates down and to the left, so head there and you should be able to see one of the crates has a loose panel. Head towards it and you'll be able to "SEE" one of Markus's friends. That's one out.
- Now run all the way to the back of the hangar, where's there's half a plane just past some steps. Look inside the back of the plane, and you'll be able to "SEE" another friend. "LIE" to him about his mother, and he'll get out too. That's two out.
- Now run to the steps we saw a second ago, and run down the gangway to the fourth or so set of metal sheets against the wall, the third kid is hiding there. You can "SEE" him, and he'll get out. That's all three saved, Lucas gets out automatically and you've saved the day. Markus gives you your next lead, and it's chapter over.
Chapters 11/12 - Friendly Combat
Carla and Tyler beat the crap out of one another. Note that these are very similar chapters, and you'd normally play through the Carla version (11) or the Tyler version (12). There's only one difference between the two: the opening monologue belongs to whichever of the characters you chose.
- Both characters are in the gym, and need to warmup before fighting. As Carla, approach any piece of gym equipment and use it. Cue a lengthy L-R event. Pass this, then take a drink from the bottle of water. Choose another piece of equipment and use that (L-R game as before). Once passed, Carla is ready to fight.
- Switch to Tyler and repeat the process: use equipment - have a drink - use equipment. Then head to the ring and let battle commence.
- Each bout is a short sequence of Simon Says - some are quite tricky, others rather easy. If you pass a particular sequence, then the character you control will win that bout and score a point, otherwise your opponent gets the point. First character to ten points wins the match, and a nice mental health bonus if it's you.
- If you want a rematch afterwards you can, but really there's little reason to do this.
Chapter 13 - Debriefing Carla
Carla and Tyler report to the chief - it doesn't matter what responses you give - and get their next assignments: Carla will check out KIRSTEN in the archives, Tyler will investigate the book found in the diner.
- Carla gives you a monologue about her claustrophobia, which manifests itself throughout much of the level and could cause you some significant problems. To keep her steady, you have a variant on the L-R event: the indicator moves steadily towards the right hand side of the gauge, if it hits the end, she panicks. You can move it back left by hitting L and R slowly and steadily: but if you go too far left, she panicks. So, slowly but surely will do it - it may take a bit of practice to get, but you'll have to do through the whole level, so any practice is worthwhile.
- Occasionally the lights will cut out for a while - it doesn't last long, so you could either just wait it out (keeping the regular breathing going, of course), or - if you're brave - just carry on, ignoring the lack of light.
- Walk forwards to the gate, and turn to your right just at it, turning the lights on. Then turn back towards the gate, open it, and step through. Now the breathing game starts, and it barely lets up.
- Push forwards and use the camera angles to head towards the book shelf with the wheel on to the right. Turn that, and move forwards through the shelves.
- Look left, head that way and turn the wheel. Look right, head that way, and turn the other wheel. Now you can progress through the next set of shelves.
- You are now in the room with the archive terminal - you'll need to find the right tape for the KIRSTEN case, but first look left and head through the shelves. At the next set of shelves, head right and turn the wheel. Then look left, head to that wheel, and turn it. Now you have made a corridor down to an electricity supply. Head towards it, turn the power on (this powers up the archive terminal). Head back to the main archive room, it's time to find the KIRSTEN tape.
- Carla has noted that the tape is in the 1990s section (that's 1990-2000), to get there you'll need to head to the left-most wheel and turn that. Head through the shelves and turn the next wheel you find. Now turn around and head back to the main archive area. Turn that left-most wheel again, then head to the right and turn that wheel. Go down the passage created, and turn the wheel at the end - don't worry, nearly there. This opens up yet another passage, so wander down there. About three-quarters of the way down, pick up the tape on the left and get back to the main archive room. Put the tape into the archive computer and bob's your uncle...well, not quite, but Robert Mitchell was the detective in charge of the KIRSTEN case, so he's Carla's next port of call.
- There's a bonus card down a short corridor near the start, if you want to pick it up.
- If the breathing game is too much of a bind, then let Carla fail it and switch to Tyler - after finishing Chapter 14, Tyler can go down to the archives and complete it in her stead.
Chapter 14 - Debriefing Tyler
Tyler heads to a book shop seeking information on the book found in the diner.
- Go down the stairs and talk to the owner - it takes some doing to get his attention, and even then he's a pain and not at all helpful. Choose whichever dialogue you want, then head off. The owner calls you back, and offers to help you if you can just track down another book similar to one he gives you.
- Take the book to the desk behind the stairs, and put the book on the desk. It's called "Cave Ne Cadas", by "De Gruttola". Now put this book down. Whilst you're here, you might as well use the magnifying glass on the diner book, so do this and turn a few pages until you see the inscription in the top left corner. Move the magnifying glass over it, until Tyler reads it, then put the book away - and something falls to the floor. Pick it up, this is a major clue for later.
- Back to the owner's book search. Head up the stairs, to the open book to the right of the door you came in. Looking in this book shows that the De Gruttola books are dated 1796. Go back down the stairs and behind the desk the old guy is working in front of. There's yet another open book, so take a look at that to see that books from the date range 1700-1800 are on the 3rd floor. You also should note that books beginning A to E are in the white section.
- So head up the stairs, around the shop and up more stairs, then up even more stairs to reach the 3rd floor. Head over to the white section, and pluck a book from the shelves. Take it back to the owner and he'll answer a couple of questions on the diner book. Unfortunately he doesn't tell you anything of any use...so leave him, grab the bonus card and go up the stairs and leave the shop.
Chapter 15 - Agatha
Lucas visits the mystic Agatha, in the hopes she can explain what's going on.
- You start off on the correct side of the road for Agatha's house, but before going up to her front door cross over and check out the bum in the bus shelther...another homeless person? Doesn't he look a little familiar?
- Head over to her house and mount the steps to Agatha's front door - ring the bell. Hmm, no answer. Open the door and proceed to the end of the corridor (we'll come back to the other rooms later). Open this door and enter the seance room - you can take a look around at Agatha's junk if you wish. When you're ready, go up to and through the other door, into Agatha's bedroom.
- Agatha is the blind old dear in the wheelchair, have a short chat with her (choose whichever dialogue you wish), then she asks to be taken to the raven room. Before you do that, if you need an extra life go to her bedside table, there's an extra life talisman there you can pick up.
- Turn around and grab hold of her wheelchair - cue some really funny antics: as you walk around with it, try turning it and then spinning her around on the spot, it looks hilarious. Ahem. Anyway, push her to the bedroom door, open it and go through. Push her over to the other door in the seance room, open it and go through. Push her down the corridor to almost the end, you want to open and go through the door on the right. Welcome to the raven room.
- Agatha asks what's the matter with you - choose either option - then she wants to know if you're mad: choose whichever option you like. She tells you to feed her birds, so go to the short cupboard on your right and open the bottom drawer (the top drawer is empty). Take out the seed packet, close the drawer, and walk to each of three cages, feeding the bird in the cage each time. Then head back to Agatha and talk - she should ask you about "TRIGGERS". After the conversation, get ahold of her wheelchair again, leave the raven room, and return to the seance room. Once in the room, push her a little way in to trigger the next cut scene.
- Agatha tells you to get three candles out of the cupboard in this room, plus the matches from the kitchen, and light them up. So, head over to the cupboard next to the door you've just walked through, crouch down, open the top drawer (as the bottom is empty), take the candles, close the drawer and stand up. Head out of the room, down the corridors and into the room on the left - this is the kitchen. The matches are next to the knife on the worktop to your right. Pick these up and take them back to the seance room. Walk over to the
table with the candle holders on, and move around each one in turn, placing a candle then lighting it before moving onto the next.
- Now she wants the room to be dark, so walk over to the door and turn the light off. Then head over to one of the sets of curtains and close them, and repeat for the other set of curtains. Now sit down in the chair next to Agatha and the seance will begin. This comprises of a set of Simon Says events, starting easy but becoming harder and harder. If you fail any you will lose mental health points and have to start from the point you messed up, so make sure you get it right.
- After learning that you're linked to the Oracle now, and that you'll be able to see what he sees (important later on), the connection is broken...it's clear that Agatha is hiding something, but she invites you back the next day, so that will have to do.
For fun, you can nip into Agatha's bathroom and pick up a bonus token - you can't see it, but it's at the far end of the bath, so just walk all the way around the bath and you'll pick it up. I haven't mentioned these tokens before but they are a little irrelevant - you get 200 bonus points for finishing the game, which is virtually enough to unlock everything anyway. If you see a token in passing, pick it up, otherwise don't get het up about them.
Chapter 16 - Questions & Bullets
Carla talks about KIRSTEN with Mitchell.
- Walk to the end of the firing range, and talk to the guy in the second to last booth. Before he tells you anything, he wants you to do some target practice, so step forwards, put on the glasses, pick up the gun and get shooting (you'll shoot once more after this, so get used to it!).
- For each practice, you have limited time to shoot as many targets as you can. Every terrorist you shoot (it spins to indicate a successful hit) gains you more time; every hostage hit costs you time. You'll also have to reload regularly, I recommend reloading every time a hostage appears, as this is the only respite you'll get. You will regain mental health points if you shoot well; otherwise the game gets a bit tedious.
- Once you've finished a particular session, Sargeant Mitchell will tell you more about the KIRSTEN case (choose whichever dialogue you want).
Chapter 17 - Double or Quits
Tyler plays basketball with Jeffrey for $200 or to wipe the debt.
- Make fun of Jeffrey's outfit, and then you get the rules - it's similar to the boxing game, in that you'll have a sequence of Simon Says events, if you pass the sequence, you'll gain control of the ball if you don't have it, or score a point if you do have it. If you fail, Jeffrey scores a point if he has the ball, or gains control of the ball if he doesn't have it. The first one to ten wins the match.
- At various points you may win mental health points as well as scoring a basket - especially if you whitewash Jeffrey, you can recoup a lot.
- It would seem you can make a few more mistakes on defense and still win the ball back, than on offense, where two mistakes will cost you.
- Don't forget you can use the tips at the top to help you out in the game if you find it a bit of a struggle.
Chapter 18 - The Storm
Lucas has a problem with wind.
- As Lucas arrives home, his telephone rings. Walk over to it and answer - hmmm, that some weird voice. Suddenly...
- The rest of this chapter is mostly one extended Simon Says event, with a few tricky L-R games too. It's basically one long hallucination, of a storm ripping his apartment to pieces, Lucas having either to dodge the flying debris (the Simon Says events), or to struggle against the wind (the L-R events). This chapter is what you've been saving those lives for.
- Use the tips at the start to make things easier for yourself, and get ready for the final scene, where you control Markus. Run to Lucas' appartment's door (it's the first on the right) and LOOK at it. Ring the bell - no answer. Get ready for a short L-R event to force your way in. Run over to the open glass doors and go out onto the balcony. LOOK to see Lucas hanging around, then succeed in another L-R event to haul him to safety.
Chapter 19 - Dark Omen
Carla chills out, whilst Tyler does some work for a change.
- Naughty shower scene dissolves to Carla in her underwear, with the phone ringing. Leave the bathroom, cross through the bedroom and out into the living area - the phone is just by the door. Answer it to find Tyler moaning he's at a dead-end; you suggest he faxes the fragment to you to look at.
- Go to your bedroom, open the wardrobe, and get dressed, as pretty soon the doorbell rings, so go to it and open the door - it's your neighbour, Tommy, bottle of wine in tow.
- Go to your kitchen area, open the cupboard above the hob and grab the glasses. Take them back to Tommy, put them down then sit. Drink up and talk (although not about Carla's work or Carla herself), then Tommy pulls out his tarot cards and things take a dark turn no matter what you do.
- At this point, Carla can do a couple of things to improve her mental health, i.e. going to the toilet (it's through a door in the living just down from the phone) and watching TV. Do these, then switch to Tyler.
- Tyler: You are sat at your desk, so think. Sit down again and use the computer. Switch to the 'web' icon and look at the 'World' page - Tyler figures out that the bookmark is actually from a list of stock quotes. Pick up the phone and let Carla know this; she wants it faxed over, so stand up, pick up the bookmark, walk to the fax machine near the door, and send it off.
Note that Tyler may get tired, and lose some mental health - there's nothing you can do about this, except have a drink of water and play with the basketball to gain them back.
- Carla: Go to your fax machine (it's next to your laptop, near the kitchen) and grab the fax. Go out your front door and straight across the hallway. Ring the bell, and Tommy will answer. You'll ask him about the fax, and he'll tell you more, but essentially that it can be traced via the watermark on the original. Go back home, to your phone and call Tyler.
- Tyler - Get the bookmark out of the fax machine, put it on your desk, then sit down and turn your desk light on. Pick up the bookmark, and move the light around with the arrow keys to find the watermark. When Tyler discusses who should head to the bank choose Carla.
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