Week 10
The major news this week is the signing of an agreement with the University of Paris 8 (LUAP, Monique Nahas, Director). The Jussieu university will be supplying us with three 3D faces using their 3D scanner from Cyberware. Next week we will be going with the actors who recorded the voices and the animations for the dialogs in order to digitalize their faces. This will be, as far as I know, the first time that completely virtual actors will be integrated into a video game. From a technical perspective, we will be getting a very detailed mesh and a circular mapping. This collaborative effort will save us a great deal of time and will give Omikron yet another technical originality.
The end of week 10 was a time to review the overall progress of the programming that's been accomplished since we began two months ago. In terms of the graphics, we now have a large part of the city done, five characters in real time and some vehicles. For programming, the engine will be finished soon, at least as far as the basic functions are concerned (Gouraud mapping, interactive lighting, collisions, deformable faces, Motion Capture animation). We are going to begin combat in a setting - a narrow street to start with.
The team agrees that we have covered a lot of ground. We have, more than anything, the feeling that the game is technically and graphically far ahead of other game titles that we've seen. We have begun the basic calculations for the Imagina festival project: an overview of the city. We also received the first processed face animations from Acti-System. The Dakobah character, played by Ed Marcus, will be the first sequence in the film as well as one of the characters the player can dialog with in the adventure. It is looking like the results will be quite impressive. We will be providing a .mov file for download as soon as it is available.
Autor:David Cage
Source: Quantic Dream
Language: English
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