Week 3
Pierre finished his character this week end and is now working furiously on the first setting. For the prototype we have chosen the lower city of Omikron, the sleaziest areas of town. This will give us a chance to exercise our skills at manipulating light and shadows and working on creating a mood. Olivier has finished Katzeva. He has started working on Betsy, a charming student with a slightly wild side.
The first two weeks allowed us to confirm the graphics schedule we had originally set up. It takes about five days for a graphic designer to model and map a character in Full Detail, two more days to get it into real time. For the settings we are expecting 1 day for each building front.
As for the programming, the decision was taken to prefer 3d cards, after obtaining quite a few opinions from friends working themselves with Direct 3d. The main argument says that the choice will allow us to spend more time working on the Game Play and less on technical issues, wit an overall visual impression that is far more striking. We hope that the publishers we send Omikron to will also make the same decision. The two cards which seem to have the best chances of taking on a sizable portion of the market are the Power VR and 3DFX. We have contacted manufacturers and are waiting, not very patiently, for the cards to arrive. An entirely software based engine will be developed in parallel.
Autor: David Cage
Source: Quantic Dream
Language: English
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