Week 20
Another hard week. On top of the already heavily loaded milestone for the end of month Eidos has now asked us for a supplementary demo for an important marketing meeting. So we brought together all the work of the last five months on one CD. This enabled us to have an overall view of the graphic work already done, and a first impression of what the game play will be like.
Two different characters — Uzal, the cop, and Shenanda, the beautiful and extremely sexy black heroine — can now be controlled and a slider (an anti gravity vehicle) can be driven through the streets of the city. In the decor department we now have three huge neighborhoods ready and the great majority of the inside settings of Section 1 of the adventure.
Generally speaking, I think that what will really make Omikron stand out will be the size and diversity of the decors, that and the fact that they are really interactive e.g. the player can enter any building in the city. In the visuals department, the lighting is what will make the difference. The lit-up decors are truly impressive, so much so that some of them look like they were precalculated.
It's been a really hard week for Fabien, our main programmer, who has worked practically every weekend this month. The vehicle management system he has been programming is almost ready. There will soon be traffic in Omikron. The sliders, which the player will be able to drive, are now perfectly manageable.
Simon has finished the dialog management system. He will be interfacing this IAM (our adventure editor) part with the game in the course of the next week. Then once the Motion Capture face animation has been done this part of the game will be ready. Next week we should be able to place objects and characters in the decor, which will allow us to really start work on the adventure game play.
Eric and Edouard in the graphics department have practically finished Neighborhood 2 and they should be spending next week on the interior decors of Section 2, which Loic is presently designing. Pierre and Natalie are finishing the interior decors of Section 1 and Pierre is making progress with the characters.
As for the scenario, this week I finished writing the dialogs as planned. But I will certainly have to rework a part that seems to be too long. Once that's done, I'll get to work on setting up the network version. Just one more month's writing and then I'll really be able to concentrate full time on finalizing the game play.
Yet again last week we received lots of encouraging email from all over the place.
Thanks for your support. It just goes to prove that a lot of people are interested in the making of a game and the life of a small group of people with dreams of making a hit ;-)
I'll be back next week with all the latest.
Autor: David Cage
Source: Quantic Dream
11/01/1999 Eidos Interactive ships Omikron: The Nomad Soul
09/23/1998 September News 2
09/15/1998 September News 1
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06/23/1997 Week 6
06/16/1997 Week 5
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5/19/1997 Week 1
5/19/1997 Preamble to Week 1