The E3 2006 Conference Program: Presenting a lineup of the game industry's top talent
If you are looking for the single most impressive lineup of game industry speakers, look no further than this year's E3 Conference Program.
Still more than two months away and already the session topics and lineup of speakers mark the 2006 program as one of the very best.
Sims creator Will Wright, God of War lead designer David Jaffe, The Movie' Peter Molyneux, Indigo Prophecy's David Cage, Mortal Kombat creator Ed Boon, Bioware's Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk, Junction Point's Warren Spector, and Half-Life writer Marc Laidlaw are some of the creative talent participating.
From the business development camp, the program includes Lee Jacobson of Midway Games, EA Canada General Manager Alain Tascan, SOE President John Smedley, Pandemic CEO Andrew Goldman, Electronic Arts' Director of Videogame Advertising Julie Shumaker, and THQ VP of Global Business Development Dan Kelly.
As usual, representation from the international community is rich in talent and influence. David Moon of Korea-based NHN is speaking as is Lumines designer Tetsuya Mizuguchi. Nexon Corp.'s Director of International Business Development Calvin Yoo is attending. Ichiro Otobe, Chief Strategist of Square-Enix joins, as does Nexon Senior Manager Chris Lee.
Some of the industry's most influential analysts are joining the program, some for the first time, including Softbank's Craig Cooper, Screen Digest's Ben Keen, Nielsen Vice President Emily Della Maggiora, and Bear Sterns Asia Chief Online Analyst Antonio Tambunan. NPD analysts Anita Frazier and Richard Ow also are participating.
Games represented--by key members of the design team--include Guitar Hero, Need for Speed, Splinter Cell, King Kong, Spore, Second Life, and The Godfather.
Unique this year is the participation of some of business's most influential strategists, included MTV EVP Jeff Yapp, Fox Interactive Media President Ross Levinsohn, and AOL's EVP of Programming and Products, Jim Bankoff.
The list is impressive--and it continues to grow.
Check back often as we update the program with new speakers and sessions. We look forward to seeing past attendees as well as first timers. Register today to take advantage of early-bird pricing.
As you know there will be a new game announced at E3 2006 by Quantic Dream. We still don't know the name, or something more, so we are waiting for this great game conference to know more about this top secret project. Also we interested in Ageia conference at E3. If you remember Omikron 2 will support Ageia PhisX Processor.

Room 404AB
An exciting line in the history of game development has been crossed. After years of dialogue and ongoing attempts to deepen plot, build believable characters, and refine programming skills, game designers are now creating interactive experiences that rival a movie's level of depth and engagement. Can a game make you cry? Can it make you believe in a character's mission, in a character's struggle, strengths, weaknesses, and values? Through the inclusion of story specialists--actors, screenwriters, editors, and special-effects experts--games have made spectacular leaps in delivering an immersive experience. The industry's top designers will share the podium with crossover talent from a variety of entertainment arts as they discuss how to create a game that can hold a player's attention for ten to fifty hours, how they invest game characters with emotion, passion, and intelligence, how they build heartbreak, joy, and fear into the story, and what genres are needed in a single title to deliver a satisfying and complete experience.
Moderator: Ian Davis, Ph.D., CEO and Founder - Mad Doc Software, LLC (Empire Earth 2)
Panelists: David Cage, CEO and Founder - Quantic Dream (Indigo Prophecy)
Richard Dansky, Lead Clancy Writer - Ubisoft Entertainment
David Jaffe, Game Director - Sony Computer Entertainment America (God of War)
Marc Laidlaw, Writer/Game Designer - Valve Software (Half-Life, Half-Life 2)
Neil Young, Vice President, General Manager - Electronic Arts - Los Angeles
AGEIA Technologies : Kentia Meeting Room - 7152 /7156 /7158 /7153 /7155 /7157 /7159
Atari, Inc.: Petree - 4003
CEO and Founder, Quantic Dream (Indigo Prophecy)
David Cage started his professional career in the music industry in 1993. He was one of the first professional musicians in France to create music for video games. In 1997, he founds Quantic Dream to develop a new concept of video game called “OMIKRON-THE NOMAD SOUL”, a futuristic action/adventure title based on original concepts like Virtual Reincarnation. As an early believer in the convergence of media, he convinces famous singer David Bowie to write an original soundtrack for the game and to become the first virtual actor. After collaboration with Microsoft, Cage starts working on a new concept called FAHRENHEIT, initially designed as episodic content. The project is published by Atari in October 2005. Today, David is the creative mind behind Quantic Dream’s titles. Quantic employs 50 full time employees in Paris, France, integrating an infrastructure unique in Europe with an in house Motion Capture set and recording studio. Quantic Dream aims to be a pioneer in creating new forms of interactive experiences based on emotion and interactive storytelling.
Source: E3 Official website
Labels: E3, E3 2006, Physics processor, Quantic Dream
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