Podcast: Kombo Breaker - Episode 45: Heavy Rain Interview
This week's show is all about Heavy Rain. Sony Producer Petro Piaseckyj joins us to talk about the project. We cover everything from gameplay, characters, script size (2000 flippin' pages) and all that's in between.
If you're a PS3 owner or you plan to pick up the Slim, this episode is for you. Heavy Rain will be hitting retail at the onset of next year, download this episode for a taste of what's to come.
As usual, once you've gotten your fill of Kombo Breaker goodness please head over to iTunes and write up a review of the show. Tell us we're awesome, tell us we suck, we just want to hear what you think. Also, if you're one of those tweeting types then please follow the show (@KomboBreaker). That's the place where we announce new guests, solicit questions from the fans and let you know when the show goes live. You can also shoot us an email at kombobreaker@kombo.com.
Download directly 30.9 MB
Autor: Joey Davidson
Source: Kombo.com
Language: English
Labels: Heavy Rain the Origami Killer, interview
Previous News
- CVG: Heavy Rain delayed because it "needs space"
- IGN: new video and interview
- EDGE Online: An Audience With: David Cage
- PlayStation.Blog: Heavy Rain’s David Cage And I, T...
- Gamescom: Heavy Rain developer walkthrough
- Gamescom Heavy Rain Live Demo
- Joistiq: Heavy Rain features 13 voiced languages, ...
- Play: Heavy Rain interview
- Games Radar: Heavy Rain: the David Cage interview
- Kikizo: Heavy Rain: David Cage Interview