Omikron Character List
Name: Samyazґa 670
Age: 28 Sex: Female Blood type: Z+
Height: 183 Weight: 63 Eyes: blue
Job: Spiritualist
Signs: Bears the mark of the third eye on forehead,the sign of those
chosen by the supreme being to communicate with the dead,has visions
of the past and future.
Interests: Likes the unknown,solitude,silence,seeing through
appearances.Hates the material world,charlatans,intolerance.
How to find: You will find her in restaurant somewhere in anekbah.
Body resistance:20
Fight experience:Novice
Special items:Samyazґaґs apartment key
Name: Syao 471
Age: 24 Sex: Female BloodType: K-
Height: 173 Weight: 58 Eyes: Blue
Job: Thief
Signs: Tattoon on left eye.Agile,fast,Discreet.Wanted by all the
police in Omikron.
Interests: Likes Biocats,Detective novels
How to find: Lose fight against Telis demon on the roof.
Body resistance:20
Fight Experience: Initiate
Special Items:Gem
Qualisar -
Name: Lahyliґn 097
Age: 23 Sex: Female Blood type: K-
Height: 177 Weight: 59 Eyes: blue
Job: Call girl
Signs: Works in the red light district of Qualisar.
Her knowledge of Moav message makes her the most
sought-after call girl in Qualisar.
Interests: Likes money,luxury,all things that are expensive and
useless.Hates modern art,alcohol,wonґt take no for an answer.
How to find: You will find her at one sex club in Qualisar.
Body resistance:20
Fight experience:Novice
Special items:Lahylґinґs pendant
Name: Dakmeґt 329
Age: 32 Sex: Male Blood type: W4
Height: 194 Weight: 92 Eyes: green
Job: Racing driver
Signs: Fabulous rich decendant of the prices of Gaoґr.
Has won Omikron slider racing championship for the
last three cycles.
Interests: Loves speed,luxury and beautifull women.
How to find: you will find him in the toilet of some
bar in qualisar.
Body resistance:20
Fight experience:Novice
Special items:Darkmetґs speed drug
Name: Nuyasan
Age: 36 Sex: Male Blood type: W9
Height: 180 Weight:78 Eyes: green
Job: Kamiji Trader
Signs: One of the last representatives of the kamiji race,a people
living in the frozen wastes before the exodus,Lives by trading rare
spices,for which Kamijis have the secret.
Interests: No known hobby.
How to find: He will be in Abandoned Temple in some part of the game.
Body resistance:70
Fight Experience:Novice
Special items:Nuyasaґnґs spices
Jaunpur -
Name: Itzamґa 420
Age: 37 Sex: Male Blood type: W9
Height: 195 Weight: 96 Eyes: green
Job: Taar monk
Signs: The ultimate warrior,with an absolute knowledge
of taar combat.Body modified by oxy-organic circuits.
Oxylic bone structure Metal mask grafted on face.
His disconnected nerves make him intensive to pain.
Interests: Likes prayer,fasting,silence,combat training,
blood.Hates weakness and pity.
How to find: You will find him in the temple.
Body resistance:70
Fight experience:Master of the inner voice
Special items:Itzamaґs apartment key
Name: Kumaґr 825
Age: 28 Sex: Male Blood type: K-
Height: 178 Weight: 76 Eyes: green
Job: Adventurer
Signs: Has sworn to avenge the death of his brother.Killed ny Tetra
militia.Nearly lost his life when a mecadog devoured his right leg.
No known place of residence.
Interests: Likes justice,honor and vengeance.Hates the Tetra,militia,
How to find: Wait in the place where you put the bomb in Awakened
mission one.The bomb will kill you and he will touch body then you
will get him.
Body resistance:40
Fight experience:Novice
Special items:N/A
Name: Tahimґa 223
Age: 23 Sex: Female Blood type: K+
Height: 171 Weight: 62 Eyes: blue
Job: Programmer
Signs: Works for the Khonsu trust programming the artificial
intelligence of meca units to maintain order.Perfect knowledge
of Meta-oxyliac languages.
Interests: Likes gaddj music,tech trances,electronic gadgets,
soap operas on transcan.Hates bugs,being disturbed when
programming,resonable people.
How to find: You can find her in book shop near the temple
in jaunpur.
Body resistance:20
Fight experience:Novice
Special items:a little phial.
Name: Jayliґn 814
Age: 30 Sex: Male Blood type: K-
Height: 192 Weight: 91 Eyes: green
Job: Ix elite soldier
Signs: A specialist on weapons,an adept of dose range combat,willing
to give his life for ix.Titanium bone structure.
Interests: Training,Training,Training
How to find: Before blowing up the bridge go to other side of it
and you will see him guarding a big door.
Body resistance:40
Fight experience:Initiate
Special items:Megazooka with 10 ammo
Name: Quazmaґad 052
Age: 35 Sex: Male Blood type: W4
Height: 203 Weight: 128 Eyes: green
Job: Demoted mercenary
Signs: Ex-mercenary in the Khonsu special troops,was stripped of his
rank and expelled from the militia when he failed in his last
mission.Has since plunged in to a deep depression.
Interests: Likes jirn alcohol
How to find:In the beginning of the area where you should go to roof
(mission two of awakened)go to small tunnel in the ground there you
will find him.
Body resistance:40
Fight experience:Initiate
Special items:Qazmaaґdґs can of liquor.
Name: Ganji 961
Age: 25 Sex: Male Blood type: W4
Height: 192 Weight: 147 Eyes: green
Job: Professional wrestler
Signs: Omikron champion of atzaride wrestling.In uziam his mother
tongue,his name means"powerful sham".
Interests: Loves discipline,rigor selfcontrol.Hates anger,weakness
anything that distracks him from the way.
How to find: You will find him in restaurant somewhere in Jaunpur.
Body resistance:50
Fight experience:Taar disciple
Special items:ganjiґs apartment key
Name: Iman 631
Age: 38 Sex: Female Blood type: W4
Height: 172 Weight: 57 Eyes: blue
Job: Escort girl
Signs: Rents her protection service to highly placed Omikron
dignitaries.Her mastery of combat techniques and her great
beauty make her company much sought-after,inspite of her rates-
which are higly exorbitant.
Interests: Fashion,Taar combat techniques,modern painting.
How to find: You will find her in gun shop where you have
to ask about the secret tetra factory.
Body resistance:40
Fight experience:Taar disciple
Special items:Imanґs apartment key
Pamoka prison -
Name: Zaoґr 940
Age: 31 Sex: Male Blood type: Z-
Height: 176 Weight: 78 Eyes: green
Job:Pamoka prison officer
Signs: Known by prisoners to be particularly violent and
merciless.A decidedly unpleasant character.Exellent marksman.
Interests: Likes Eagles techball team,Kloops beer,waver weapons,
law and order.Hates books the degenerate morak of the young,
How to find: After escaping your cell.You will find him guarding
a big door.
Body resistance:50
Fight experience:Initiate
Special items:Zaorґs apartment key.
Lahoreh -
Name: Plume 263
Age: 26 Sex: Female Blood type: K-
Height: 176 Weight: 62 Eyes: Blue
Job: Fashion designer
Signs: Likes wearing eccentric clothes and jewels.Studied taar
combat techniques with her father when still a child.
Interests: Likes modern art,high-society cocktails,koopies
and vegetarian cooking.
How to find: You can find her in bank near the new awakened
base in lahoreh.
Body resistance:20
Fight experience:Taar disciple
Special items:Plumeґs apartment key
Name: Niomaґy 452
Age: 27 Sex: Female Blood type: Z+
Height: 178 Weight: 59 Eyes: Blue
Job: Actress
Signs: Has taken part in several small transcan productions.The critics
predict a great career.
Interests: Likes acting,lying,manipulating those around her,being
told she has talent.Hates truth,simple situations,routine.
How to find: Youґll find her in the book shop in Lahoreh.
Body resistance:20
Fight experience:Novice
Special items:N/A
Name: Enyaґd 843
Age: 38 Sex: Male Blood type: Z-
Height: 175 Weight: 71 Eyes: green
Job: Scientist
Signs: Research worker in inframolecular physics.Is said tobe on the
point discovering a theory that reconciles infra-gravitational and
polymeic forces.
Interests: Likes to spend his days conducting experiments in his
laboratory.Hates inactivity ignorance,anything that distracts him from
his work.
How to find: You will find him in library in lahoreh
Body resistance:20
Fight experience:Novice
Special items:Enyadґs apartment key
Jahangir -
Name: Nemeґt
Age: 24 Sex: Male Blood type: Z+
Height: 181 Weight: 78 Eyes: green
Job: Techball champion
Signs: Half center on the Anekbah islanders techball team.his talent
and extraordinary vision of the game have made him famous.Regularly
makes the hedlines of the scandal press because of his private
Interests: Likes training with islanders,the applause of the crowds
when he scores,adrenaline,exorbtantly prised sliders.Hates his
adversaries,discretion,modesty,poverty,woman who donґt like him.
How to find:Youґll find him at Jahangir zoo/park
Body resistance:30
Fight experience:Novice
Special items:Nemetґs "Force" drug
Name: Hunabkґu 318
Age: 31 Sex: Male Blood type: Z+
Height: 181 Weight: 79 Eyes: green
Job: Taar master
Signs: Reared by the taar monks.Raised to the level of grand master by
Zoyukґen.Has a perfect mastery of taar combat techniques,is a
indifferent to pain has absolute control of himself.
Interests: Likes meditation,peace,the quest for eternal harmony.
Hates technology,gratuitous violence.
How to find: Youґll find him at Jahangir zoo/park
Body resistance:30
Fight experience:Master of the inner voice
Special items:Hunabkґuґs potion
Before the city of dead -
Name: Fodo
Age: 287 Sex: Male Blood type: W1
Height: 159 Weight: 71 Eyes: green
Job: Azkeel farmer
Signs: Sham breeder near the azkeel city Mayereґm.
Interests: Likes shams and goddess-queen Soyinka.Hates violence
and danger.
How to find: Drink the green poison in his sham farm.
Body resistance:30
Fight experience:Taar disciple
Special items:Mana potion +50
Age: 2 Sex: Female Blood type: Z-
Height: 249 Weight: 190 Eyes: blue
Job: Krubor
How to find: Lose in hand to hand combat when you fight against her.
Body resistance:80
Fight experience:Taar disciple
Special items:N/A
After the city of dead -
Name: Kushulaiґn
Age: 7216 Sex: Male Blood type: W9
Height: 185 Weight: 89 Eyes: green
Job: Hero
Signs: Hero of the Cobalt wars,prince of partamor.
Interests: Void
How to find: Touch his body when he dies.
Body resistance:99
Fight experience:Master of the inner voice
Special items:N/A
SaveGame Hacking Faq Made By Kalis
Omikron : the Nomad Soul
Unofficial Savegame FAQ v0.5
by kalis ( )
with help from crisis ( )
Table of contents:
.1. How to Use this File and Modify your Savegames
.2. Hexadecimal Structure of the File IAM\GAME
.3. Known Character List
.4. Frequently Asked Questions / Tips and Tricks
.5. Legal Stuff
.1. How to Use this File and Modify your Savegames
If you don't own the game, buy it! it worth the cost ;)If your goal is
only to find characters, you just have to look at the character list.
If you intend to hack the savegame (which is the file GAME, located in
the subdir IAM in your install dir), you should at first look for a hex
editor and have a minimun of knowledge about hex editing.
I recommend HexWorkshop (see at The structure
table describes what I know about savegame data and what/where you have
to edit in the file. Watch out! hacking could corrupt your savegame!
To properly edit the savegame, first load the file in your faforite hex
editor, then search for your player name, and then your character name.
I suggest you 1st, create a backup of the file, 2nd, memorize some
infos/values about your character such as energy, rings, because I
didn't find a quicker way to know which save it is! (unless you saved
only one time through the whole game!)
If you have any information to give to me (such as new characters, or
information you have decoded in the IAM\GAME file...), email me. some
things which could be good to know: date/time coding (to recognize a
save), and some stuff like the cop/scientific/guard flags, which allow
you to enter some special zones such as the library in lahoreh, or get
past the guards in jail, or enter the security center in anekbah.
Anyone, feel free to use this data to code an editor, but give me
credit! I don't have time to write such a program, and I don't have
things like Visual c++ :(
.2. Hexadecimal Structure of the File IAM\GAME
- double check what you're doing. You should only overwrite things that
were already there: most of time, writing over some 00 is a bad idea…
- put your hex editor font display in ansi mode, you'll see better what
you're doing and you'll see things you wouldn't before, such as special
font displays.
- have both hex and ansi screen in front of you, both give important
- use a hex calculator and a base converter (get Hexworkshop, they're
- learn to use offset navigation, it's easier than counting bytes ;) in
Hex Workshop, left- then right-click on the first letter of the player
name, use "goto->offset" , from "current position", type in offset (in
hex!) and voila!
Here's the structure table:
Offset Description Coding Rem
0000 player name ansi end with 00
<--- i don't understand this maybe date ---> and scrshot
006C character name ansi end with 00
008C job ansi end with 00
00AC adventure script filename H1AVNT:men
00BE combat script filename H1CMBT:men
00D0 sex ansi end with 00
00D8 eye color ansi end with 00
00E0 blood ansi and with 00
00E4 height ansi end with 00
00EC weight ansi end with 00
00F4 model filename look in
known char list or in
00FE age byte 255 max
0100 mana byte 200 max
0102 speed byte 200 max
0104 attack byte 200 max
0106 stamina byte 200 max
0108 avoid byte 200 max
010A combat xp byte 200 max
010E energy byte 200 max
0110 money short 65535 max
0112 rings byte 255 max
<--- i don't know maybe map ---- slider ---- locations ---- and quest ---> status
0178 character description ansi end with 00
0278 hobbies ansi end with 00
8028 player name of next ansi end with 00
if you discover anything you think important, mail me, i'll add it and
you'll get credit.
.3. Known Character List
mail me if you find any new character, but be sure to give FULL info
about them!
Name Job Zone Where, When & How Model
Kay'l 669 cop anekbah start a new game HO1_FN
SYAO 471 thief anekbah on roof at Kay'l's flat, FE2_FN
against Telis demon, die
TAHIM'A 223 programmer jaunpur bookstore near tetra TAH_FN
more to come, i hope ;)
.4. Frequently Asked Questions / Tips and Tricks
Feel free to submit some of your best tricks!
-How to get easy money?
if you can access the Sha'armet tournament, you'll win:
-1 victory in a row, 250 seteks
-2 victories, 250+500 seteks
-3 gives 250+500+1000
-4 gives 250+500+1000+1500
-5 gives 250+500+1000+1500+2000
and the right not to do the tournament again unless you change of body
so, loose at the 5th match, buy a big medkit (it's 200!), and do it
again, you can easily reach 10000 seteks in less than 15 minutes! and
you'll increase your fighting abilities at the same time...
-How to get rings?
find them! or kill a demon
-How to get mana?
kill a demon, or buy from a magic shop
-How to increase my abilities?
-attack and dodge : fight in hand to hand combat when you reach great
master of taar you's at max
-you can also buy potions but it seems that some are temporary ones,
and watch out, I was at 100 dodge, I boosted to 195 with potions, and
after some time I dropped to 45...
-What are the spells available?
-truth: tongue of dead + wiki
-protection: tear of ether + virgins blood
-unhide demon: sham horn + dew of light
-love:2 sham testicle + 9 bat teeth , I think you can't do it
-transmute to gold upon touch: woah, this one can't be done too, I
think... what to do is kind of a huge task... buy the book at the
sorcerer's shop in anekbah...
-What are transcan "survive", "something", "seven"...?
for you that don't read manuals... these are David Bowie (and Reeves
Gabrels)contribution to the game. there are 8 of them... listen to all
of them! these are great music. you can listen to them unlimitedly on
any transcan. There are also 3 live shows to find! Bowie himself and
his wife did the MotionCapture!
-What about a "Nomad Soul 2" ?
it seems to be on work... ;)
-What about a "Omikron Online"?
it seems to interest Quanticdream... I hope so...
.5. Legal Stuff
- The Nomad Soul (TM) Quantic Dream 1999 / © and edited by Eidos
Interactive 1999. All Rights Reserved
- This file should not be modified in any way by any person else than
- This file could be distributed freely anywhere and anyhow you want.
- Data in this file could be used as long as proper credit is given to
- This file is provided as is, use information stored in at your own
risk, I can't and I won't take any responsibility to any harm done to
your computer/brain/dimension.
- Eidos and quanticdream won't give support once you have
modified/hacked anything in this game.
- This FAQ is unofficial, Eidos and quanticdream are not linked in
anyway to me or this document.
Spell list -
If you ever discover way to obtain the Love spell inform me.
Truth spell
To force a liar to say what he knows,mix a wiki and a dead manґs
tongue in a besheґm.
Love spell
To make a woman fall in love with you,mix two sham testicles
and nine mouse teeth in a besheґm.Cast the spell on the
woman you wish to seduce and she shall be yours forever.
Invulnerability spell
For temporary invulnerability against those who wish your ruin,
mix a virgins blood with a tear of ether in a besheґm.
Unmask a demon spell
To force a demon with human appearance to reveal his demonical
nature.mix a sham horn and dew of light in the beshem.
Character list: Crisis
SaveGame Hacking faq: Kalis