Nomad Soul Music
This information was taken from official game pdf. There some tracks available for download, but we still collecting sources to make all this tracks available under law.
Dreamer's Concerts: (Hours)
Written by: David Bowie and Reeves Gabrels
Publisher: North America Nipple Music (BMI) administered by RZO Music, Inc., My Half Music (ASCAP) administered by Bug Music, Inc.
Rest Of World Nipple Music/RZO Music Ltd., My Half Music/Bug Music, Ltd.
© 1999 David Bowie under exclusive license to Virgin Records America, Inc.
David Bowie appears courtesy of Virgin Records America, Inc.
Additional tracks:
Written by: Xavier Despas
Written and performed: Reeves Gabrels
Publisher: North America My Half Music (ASCAP) administered by Bug Music, Inc.
Rest Of World My Half Music/Bug Music, Ltd.
Written and Performed: David Bowie and Reeves Gabrels.
Publisher: North America Nipple Music (BMI) administered by RZO Music, Inc.,
My Half Music (ASCAP) administered by Bug Music, Inc.
Rest Of World Nipple Music/RZO Music Ltd., My Half Music/Bug Music, Ltd.
Labels: Omikron Nomad Soul, Soundtrack